This musical is inspired by the true story of pioneering doctor, Janusz Korczak, who in 1912 fulfilled his lifetime's ambition: opening a revolutionary Jewish orphanage in Warsaw. However, nothing runs smoothly – the orphans are wild, and staff are reluctant to obey the 'children's court' – but with humour and love, Korczak and his assistant Stefa, empower, educate and nurture the children – and romance blossoms between young Henryk and Gabriela.
As anti-semitism grows, Nazis invade, forcing the orphans into the ghetto. Although repeatedly being offered his freedom, Korczak accompanies them, but Gabriela realises she must break non-Jewish Henryk's heart to ensure his safety.
Ghetto life is tough. Driven to extreme measures trying to feed everyone, Korczak is imprisoned, and when Stefa risks the orphans' rations trying to buy his freedom, tension and despair almost rips them apart. Fortunately, Korczak is released, and his unfailing cheerfulness helps everyone face increasing hardships with humour and compassion.
As Nazis round everyone up, Henryk risks everything to save Gabriela, but Korczak and the orphans defiantly face them, heads held high, proving that hope and love can conquer hatred.
Filled with poignant, inspiring and humorous songs, our musical is a mixture of tragedy, laughter, love – and naughty children! Although set during the Holocaust, this is an uplifting story for today, championing the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. For Korczak’s legacy lives on, reminding us that, even in our darkest hours, love and hope will always prevail.